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Apr 5 09

The return of WhertRA

by wkwalker

It’s back! (Cue “Jaws” theme.)

After (mumble) years, we’ve decided to revive the old “Where the Rocks Are” series, known to the cognoscenti as “WhertRA.” The title is based on a dumb joke, which is explained in all its fascinating detail on the “About” page.

Short version: WhertRA is a collection of computer-related articles based on questions from real-world users. Every once in awhile, I get a burr under my saddle and write about stuff that I think people should be asking about.

As a consultant, I work mostly with small businesses and individuals, so expect an emphasis on basic, day-to-day problem solving. If you came here looking for specialized articles on enterprise computing or high-tech policy issues or some other big-picture topic, you’re in the wrong room; try down the hall. If you are, like most of us, just trying to get some work done with your computer, have a seat. The show’s about to begin.